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Secuencia de Fotos del golpe a Gary Kasparov
Published on 05/08/05 at 23:19:16 GMT-06:00 por Admin
Fotos Cortesia del periodico Federal Post de Moscu .
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Entrevista Al federal post de Moscu , disculpen que no halla sido traducida es por falta de tiempo .
Garry telephoned from Moscow to tell chesschamps about the serious incident last week where he was attacked and hit over the head with a chess set. Questions by Jonathan Levitt are in plain text, Garry Kasparov's responses in bold:
Many wondered how long a mind like yours could stay away from the chessboard…it seems one came pretty close recently. Are you feeling ok?
Yes but it was highly unpleasant. We have proved more or less that it was a provocation prepared in advance. On the Russian internet there were pictures taken from two different angles…so the people were ready to take these pictures…they knew the attack was coming.
You are saying the attack was planned…and not just the result of the actions of a crazy individual? Of course. It was organised…one moment I can send you the link to these pictures.
(We were speaking on the telephone…I received an e-mail with this link moments later - JL) Nobody could catch the moment like that just by luck…not from two angles.
Have you seen a doctor to check it out? Its ok, I saw the doctor and had an MRT scan. It’s fine. I was lucky it did not hit me with the edge.
The chess world has its share of unusual people, but it seems there are more dangerous specimens in the big bad world outside. Has the attack scared you or made you change your approach to life? How do you feel about what happened? It was a warning to me. A simple warning. It was a brand new chess set, made heavier because it was with the pieces. I think they chose a chess set to try to show that I am a lightweight and have trouble with chess fans. I have more security now. I am aware of the danger…it is part of the game. I am about to tour Russia Eastwards…East Of Moscow. Visiting the Russian regions, talking to people, meeting them, promoting ideas. Without access to Russian TV I must meet people. I can use the internet, but its not as important as in the west. We are denied access to TV, which serves as the main news source for the vast majority in Russia.
Do you think Putin was responsible for the attack? Come on…there are many people holding up the repressive system, not just Putin. I don’t know exactly who planned this attack, but such things do not happen by accident. The Russian liberal press has no doubt it was a deliberate attack. It is an insult that it should happen in a country I have represented for so many years..it shows how bad the situation is in the country. I am not at all confident that the attacker will be seriously questioned or investigated properly.
Has anyone suggested that you staged the attack yourself? Yes of course a few journalists already suggested it. I made a counter offer…that anyone who suggests it should let me hit them over the head with a chess set! Like I said…I am lucky chess is the first sport in Russia, not baseball.
If somebody came at you with a baseball bat at least you would not be taken by surprise… True, yes. Now even a chess set is a suspicious weapon.
How would you assess the first moves in the opening of your political life? I think my first moves were quite successful if I am already getting such attention from the Kremlin. To a certain degree my presence is revitalising the debate on this side of the political spectrum.
Any withdrawal symptoms for chess? Any lust to be playing somewhere?
Not yet. I’m watching the games…still working on the book. Its not yet reached the moment that I feel I cannot live without it!
I was reading a recent interview you gave to the Australian Financial Review and was very interested in some of your comments: ‘It's also critical to keep a psychological edge. I am not a big fan of pop psychology, but I do believe that getting the other guy off balance is a real skill. You have to go on fighting even if you are in a winning position - in fact, especially if you are in a winning position.’
Could you elaborate on the different ways you can get the other guy off balance? Is it some kind of fusion of chess judgment and psychological assessment or are there purely psychological techniques involved?
The best way to keep them off balance is to play the best moves!
So you play the board not the man? Yes.
Is the interview misquoting you? Well its true you must be very precise in a winning position. I spend a lot of time with some journalists, who do not always play chess. You say a lot of things and they need to edit a long text. Sometimes they don’t know what they don’t know. The overall statement is correct with all the explanations added…but when parts are cut it can be interpreted a different way.
You also commented in that interview that one of your conclusions from studying the games in MGP was that what made the great players of the past great was not their analytic prowess but their intuition under pressure. Do you think that is also true of yourself? Of course, yes. When it comes to annotating games I am more careful because of the computer…The players of the past did not have this way of compensating for their switched off intuition.
Some might say your analysis under pressure was pretty good too… I am happy with my ability to analyse information under pressure. But now there is no definition of success.
Do you feel uncomfortable with that? No it’s the nature of the game. Building up an active and vocal opposition to an authoritarian state like Putin’s Russia is possibly more difficult than winning nine Linares…and definitely more dangerous!
Since your ‘retirement’ which in your case seems a somewhat relative term…are you finding more time or less time for work on your writing? I’ve seen dozens of interviews with you recently…has life become something of a media circus? I am still working on the books…I cannot stop! Early in May I will take a week off to concentrate on it. Life is different now…not a media circus. I have meetings. I see a lot of people. It is very energy consuming…there is a lot of direct communication. We are fighting for democracy and a free and open election. Putin’s regime and democracy are not compatible. You have to make a choice. I made mine.
Secuencia de Fotos del golpe a Gary Kasparov | 4 comentarios | Suscribirse
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Escrito el 05/09/05 at 16:08:20 GMT-06:00 por Invitado
jajaja, pobresillo
Escrito el 06/15/05 at 22:56:45 GMT-06:00 por efren
Esto recuerda a las personas que atacan celebridades a pastelazos; concuerdo en que esto fue planeado.
Escrito el 02/06/06 at 15:28:28 GMT-06:00 por Invitado
vaya con este tipo , como q pobresillo, primero aprende a escribir paupérrimo tipo , es pobrecillo ! y no creo seas buen aficionado al ajedrez
Escrito el 02/21/06 at 15:30:40 GMT-06:00 por TUZO